Newcastle Speech and Language Therapy Service 2015 - This consultation has now ended

Commissioners for Newcastle City Council (NCC) and the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are undertaking a joint commissioning exercise to review and redesign Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) services for children and young people in Newcastle and would like your views.  Please complete the survey.
There are a number of reasons for this review, including increased levels of demand for SALT services, a variety of different contracts for the service and the new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) reforms which require local authorities and health to jointly commission services to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND. 
We are doing this in a co-productive way.  A task group for co-ordinating the co-production has been set up which includes council and health officers, health engagement providers, Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) representatives and parent carers.  Stage 1 is a needs analysis to review existing service provision with all stakeholders, identify gaps in provision, areas that work well and not so well and start to consider what outcomes we want a new service to deliver.  This stage will run between November 2014 and February 2015.  Stage 2 will be service redesign up to July 2015 and Stage 3 will be implementing the new service and will run from August to December 2015, with a view to have the redesigned service ready for 1st April 2016. 
This is an exciting opportunity for parent carers, children and young people to participate in the review and redesign from the start of the process. There will be focus groups for children and young people, parent carers and wider stakeholder events. The first of these will be on Wednesday 28 January 2015.
If you would like to contribute to the SALT review please fill in the survey.  Also if you would like to take part in a focus group or attend the stakeholder event in January, or would just like more information, please contact Kirsty Williams at

Start Date

17 December 2014

End Date

18 January 2015


Days Remaining


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