Commissioning for an integrated treatment, recovery support and care coordination service for Newcastle - Reopening of consultation 2014 - This consultation has now ended

Due to a problem with this particular online survey, the Council is not able to satisfy itself that it has been able to gather all of the responses to the Drug and Alcohol consultation posted via our page on the “let’s talk” website. As a result, the Council is re-opening the consultation on the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) for a further four week period from 3 November until 28 November 2014 and has readjusted its high level timeline (see attached document). We would like to encourage those who commented upon our proposal using this webpage to re-submit their response and any additional views or comments. We would also welcome the views and comments of any other individuals, groups or organisations who have yet to comment upon the proposal.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please note that responses previously submitted by email, face to face consultation or written formats was unaffected and will still be used to inform our updated IIA proposal following this further period of consultation. Once this further period of consultation has closed (28 November 2014) we will then consider all of the responses together before publishing our final proposal in December 2014. 
We have updated our IIA proposal to reflect the timescales in accordance with extending this period of consultation, the changed version number and updated how feedback can be sent to the Council. These changes are highlighted in red font, whilst all other material in the document remains unchanged from the original.
These documents are intended for:
  • Existing and potential providers who will be able to use the information presented to identify the role they can play and to help develop their business plans. We hope that this document will enable provider partners to respond to the identified service model, identify potential opportunities for collaborative working, as well as bring forward new and innovative ways of working in the future.
  • Voluntary and community organisations and groups and mutual aid groups who make a key contribution to building and maintaining resilience, recovery and reintegration. We hope these partners, who may or may not deliver commissioned services, will be able to use this document to understand proposed changes to the commissioned service provision and to develop links between commissioned and non-commissioned support.
  • Community stakeholders, including but not limited to people who need support related to problematic drug and alcohol use, who wish to contribute to the development of a fit for the future support system for Newcastle. We hope our communities will participate in an ongoing dialogue about how drug and alcohol support should evolve. 
This is the final stage of our consultation with stakeholders prior to procuring the relevant support. 
You can comment formally on our proposal by sending an email to or by writing to:
Duncan Miller
Wellbeing Care and Learning
Newcastle City Council
Room 405, Civic Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne
Any final responses to this consultation should be received no later than 28 November 2014.

Start Date

03 November 2014

End Date

28 November 2014


Days Remaining



Let's Talk Community