Digital by Choice - Our Vision 2015 - This consultation has now ended

Within this increasingly digital environment, Newcastle City Council has not kept pace with change. We have yet to make it easy enough for those who want to engage digitally, nor have we made a persuasive case to those who are hesitant and unconvinced about the benefits of being digitally active. We need to develop a digital service offer which matches and surpasses customer expectations to the point where it becomes the channel of choice.       
Our vision is to have excellent digital services which are so easy to use that they are naturally the way people choose to engage with us. We want to:
  • Improve digital opportunities for residents to help them access an improved customer experience (for council services and beyond)  
  • Minimise internal costs of service
  • Maximise income
But what do we mean by digital?
Improving our digital services means designing simple, user-friendly processes that make it easy for customers to access services and make payments whenever and wherever they want to.  It means capturing the right information in the right way to help us to improve services and efficiency.  
But it isn’t limited to traditional services and activities. We want to promote digital change in everything we do – encouraging and supporting the use of digital technology in social care and health settings, using social media to crowd source funding for community assets, understanding how technology can change the way we deliver front line services and many more.  As the Council faces up to increasing budget reductions, we need to use Digital to help change our service provision while maintaining outcomes for residents, partners, suppliers and customers.  
We want to know what you think about our 'Digital by Choice' vision - which is to have excellent digital services which are so easy to use that they are naturally the way people choose to engage with us. You can do this through our online survey, our topic wall, or one of the events running across the city.

Start Date

04 February 2015

End Date

15 March 2015


Days Remaining


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