Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015 - This consultation has now ended

As well as simply providing useful information about community pharmacy in the city, there are two main purposes of the PNA:
1. Informing NHS England decisions on the required location and number of pharmacies in Newcastle - The PNA is a strategic commissioning document and will be used to identify gaps in services which could be filled by market entry.
2. Informing Commissioning Decisions by a range of Primary Care Organisations (PCOs) - This PNA describes the health needs of the population and the pharmaceutical services which are in place, or could be commissioned to meet identified health needs.
Newcastle Health and Wellbeing board is required to publish a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which assesses needs for pharmaceutical services in the City. Here you can comment on the document before it is finalised.
You can now comment on the draft assessment which is available to download in full here, or in separate chapters below. 
Executive Summary: This includes the key recommendations from the PNA. (Link/page)
Chapter 1 Introduction: This document sets out the needs of the population of Newcastle, assesses current services and future service needs. 
Chapter 2 Pharmaceutical needs assessment process: How did we assess the needs of the population? 
Chapter 3 Identifying health needs:  Looking at Newcastle’s population profile and how this impacts on health. 
Chapter 4 Current provision of essential services: Access and availability of existing pharmacy services. 
Chapter 5 Other locally commissioned services : Assessment of what is provided outside of core services.
Chapter 6 Non- commissioned services: Other services provided by our pharmacies. 
Chapter 9 Equality Impact Assessment: How we are broadening access to services. 

Start Date

18 December 2014

End Date

25 February 2015


Days Remaining


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