Proposed improvements to John Dobson Street 2015 - This consultation has now ended

Over a number of years businesses and residents in Newcastle have told us about the issues they face on our transport network. Every successful city has a transport network that supports its people to access employment and services, and enables its businesses to prosper. We want Newcastle to be the best it can be and that means making changes to address existing issues and provide improved infrastructure for the people of this city into the future.
Over the next five years we aim to completely transform the highways and public spaces in the city-centre and on some of the routes around and into Newcastle to create the modern highway network that a vibrant 21st century city deserves. Our policies, as consulted on through our Local Plan process, aim to ensure we prioritise access to shops and services, not prioritise those same roads in the city centre to act to carry unnecessary through traffic.
A key part of improving our city’s infrastructure will be to make Newcastle more pedestrian-friendly, better for cycling, and to ensure public transport services (including taxis) have more reliable routes through their essential journeys through the city centre. We also know we need to improve our management of access to car parks and services in the north of the city centre.
It is important our highways and public spaces enable people to enjoy the area and access shops and services, rather than bypassing them. It is also important that these spaces are designed in a way that ensures people of all ages feel safe and comfortable.
Our emerging proposals for John Dobson Street are the first for change in the north of the city and reflect our ambitions to provide significant improvements for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport while ensuring freight and private vehicles can access shops and services – though not necessarily by the same route that they currently do.
Our proposals would see John Dobson Street transformed into a new tree-lined boulevard-style layout featuring widened pavements, new road crossings for pedestrians, a segregated two-way cycle-track, seating areas and improved public transport links.
The planned changes will bring significant benefits for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users, as the new layout and improved traffic light technology will make it safer and easier to travel within the city centre.
Businesses will also benefit from the new layout, with a more attractive area for shoppers, visitors, workers and students. During our engagement on John Dobson Street we would also welcome views on what people who use the area would like to see proposed for areas such as Northumberland Road and Ridley Place in the future. We aim to ensure that access for deliveries will be improved and existing on-street parking bays would remain where possible.
A key feature is the creation of a flagship cycling route, which will eventually link together all of the proposed strategic cycle routes across the city.  It will also form a section of the Great North Cycleway, a regional route from Blyth to Darlington. You can see maps of all the proposed strategic cycle routes.
If implemented, this scheme would cost over £1million. This funding would come from the £5.7m the city has been awarded from the Department for Transport's Cycle City Ambition Fund (CCAF) to develop strategic routes and encourage more people to cycle.  This funding will not only benefit cyclists, but also bring environmental, health and financial benefits, and support a city wide road network fit for the future. It is important to note that this funding can only been spent on this, and other schemes, for pedestrian, cycling and associated improvements.
The proposed package of benefits and improvements to John Dobson Street include:
A greatly enhanced ‘boulevard’ style environment;
  • New and widened footpaths which will encourage and enable people of varying ages and mobility to walk along the road;
  • New and improved crossings making it safer and easier for pedestrians of all ages;
  • Raised junctions which will make the road safer by keeping traffic speeds low;
  • Reduced traffic levels which will improve air quality and reduce noise levels;
  • A segregated two-way cycle track making it safer and easier for cyclists;
  • New, more efficient traffic light junctions, keeping traffic moving and ensuring the lights are sequenced properly;
  • Public seating;
  • Improved bus journey time reliability, with only bus and authorised vehicles between Ridley Place and St Mary’s Place;
  • New road and footpath surfaces;
  • Cycle parking; and
  • Improved bus stop areas
We would also like to invite you to the City Library on New Bridge Street West, where our proposals will be on display next to the main entrance, between 9 - 15 February 2015. We will have staff available to answer queries.
Highway Engineers will also be in attendance on:
  • Tuesday 10th, 11am - 2 pm
  • Wednesday 11th, 5pm - 8 pm
  • Thursday 12th, 2pm - 5 pm  
The Elders Council are also undertaking an audit and review of the current street layout – please contact them if you’d like to attend.
What Happens Next?
Following stakeholder engagement and statutory consultations, it is anticipated that – with support –the works would commence in summer 2015.
  • Monument

Start Date

03 February 2015

End Date

16 February 2015


Days Remaining


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