Future arrangements for residential and nursing care in Newcastle 2015 - This consultation has now ended

Residential and nursing care in Newcastle forms part of the overall system of care and support delivery which is at the heart of our adult social care offer. We feel it is important to inform people about changes we are planning to make to this area over the coming years, and have put together this consultation document to start a conversation about this. 
The proposals outlined in the consultation document are aimed at: 
  • the providers who deliver residential and nursing care services, and 
  • other organisations or individual people who are interested in information on residential and nursing care services. 
Members of the public, including people who use these services and their carers, are welcome to read the proposals and give their views. Alternatively, due to the nature and complexity of the issues being addressed, you may wish to contact us directly to discuss the proposals and their impact. To do this, please contact Catherine Stokes by email at: Catherine.stokes@newcastle.gov.uk, or telephone 0191 2788138, or telephone 0191 2788138. 
The proposals cover several important areas affecting the commissioning of residential and nursing care:
  • Care system strategic objectives;
  • The legal framework;
  • The choice regulations;
  • The cost of care;
  • Risk factors; 
  • Cost pressures on the Council's budget; and
  • Fee proposals.
The main objectives of the proposals are to:
  • Seek feedback about whether providers agree with the principles used to determine the proposed fees;
  • Determine if there are any additional factors that need to be considered;
  • Understand providers' views on the likely impact of the proposed fees on the financial viability of their care home; and
  • Gather the views of providers and voluntary sector stakeholders on the likely impact of the proposals on residents. 
Throughout the consultation document there are questions highlighted around the risks that have been identified that we would like a response to. However, we seek feedback not only on these questions, but also on any other risks or issues that you believe will be relevant to the Council when making its final decision around future arrangements for residential and nursing care in Newcastle.
The consultation document can be viewed by clicking here. Please write your comments on the online topic wall here, or email Let's talk at: letstalk@newcastle.gov.uk.
In addition to the consultation document, we would also like to draw your attention to three further documents that are relevant to this consultation. These are:
  • Appendix 1: Valuing Care Financial Management (VCFM) report. This document provides the results of the review undertaken in relation to the cost of providing residential and nursing care in Newcastle which is referenced in the consultation document. Click here. 
  • Appendix 2: A full Integrated Impact Assessment, which highlights any potential equality issues that the proposals may cause and how we would seek to reduce their impact. Click here. 
  • Appendix 3: The Market Position Statement for residential and nursing care services. The draft Market Position Statement also forms part of this consultation as it describes intentions. Click here.

If you would like further information about this consultation, please contact the lead officer, Catherine Stokes, on Catherine.stokes@newcastle.gov.uk or telephone 0191 278 8138. Feedback received via Let’s Talk will be included in wider consultation on these proposals in the near future.

Start Date

28 August 2015

End Date

01 December 2015


Days Remaining


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