Proposals for a Section 75 NHS Act 2006 Agreement 2015 - This consultation has now ended

We are consulting on a proposal for Newcastle City Council (the Council) and NHS Newcastle 
Gateshead Alliance Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG) to change the way that they work together in relation to Placements for children aged 0-25 years in Department of Education registered, non-maintained and independent special schools and colleges for day and residential placements. 

 The change proposed would involve Newcastle City Council (the Council) and NHS Newcastle Gateshead Alliance Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG) entering into an Agreement under Section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006. The agreement would be between the Council and the CCG. 
The practical impact of this agreement would be to formalise the existing arrangements. The Council would exercise the CCG’s functions in relation to service users accessing these Placements. It would, however, do so on a delegated basis, which means that the CCG would still be ultimately responsible in law for the proper discharge of those NHS functions. 
 The purpose of the consultation is to: 
  • seek feedback about whether the Council has considered all the relevant issues and whether there are any additional issues that need to be considered; and 
  • understand the impact that any such Section 75 Agreement may have upon Providers of placements within the market or any Child/Young Person accessing placements as a service user or a parent/carer for a Child/Young Person. 
You can give us your views by taking part in the survey below, or emailing them to: Alternatively you can write to: 
Bridget Atkins, Commissioner, Children’s Services 
Wellbeing, Care and Learning Directorate, Newcastle City Council 
Civic Centre, Newcastle, NE1 8QH 

All feedback to the consultation must be received by 12 noon on 15 October 2015. Thank you.


Start Date

01 October 2015

End Date

15 October 2015


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation. You can find out more about NewcastleGateshead CCG here: NewcastleGateshead CCG. If you have queries about the consultation findings, please contact us at:


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