Families Information Service Website Consultation 2016 - This consultation has now ended

We are consulting with the public on our Families Information Service website. This aims to bring together all of the information and advice services available to families in Newcastle. You can see the website here: Newcastle Family Information Service.
Please give us your views about this by completing the survey below. 
After the consultation closes, we will use your feedback to help us to shape the website structure and enable smoother navigation around the site.  We will use your comments to help you to find information more quickly and using fewer clicks.  We will merge some content to prevent duplication.  This will make the overall user experience less repetitive and frustrating.  You can also help us to identify gaps in our Families Information Service website provision.
If you have questions about this, please contact our Local Offer Team by email at localoffer@newcastle.gov.uk

Start Date

09 February 2016

End Date

28 February 2016


Days Remaining



Thank you for taking part in our consultation on the Families Information Service Website earlier this year. We have considered the feedback people gave us, and will be using it to shape how we provide information about this. You will be able to see how the Families Information Service website develops by visiting it here:

Families Information Service and Newcastle Support Directory

If you have any questions about this, please email Alison Dyson: alison.dyson@newcastle.gov.uk. Thanks for taking the time to give us your views.


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