Kenton Bank Foot Draft Masterplan Consultation 2016 - This consultation has now ended

Land is allocated at Kingston Park/Kenton Bank Foot for approximately 800 new homes in the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP), which was adopted by the council in March 2015.
It is a requirement of the CSUCP that a comprehensive Masterplan is produced, which addresses the criteria listed in the policy, which needs to be approved before any planning application for the site can be determined. Once approved by the council's Cabinet, the Masterplan will set the principles for development for the site, and be a material consideration in the determination of any future applications for the area it covers.
We would like to hear your views on the draft Masterplan. Following consultation, the council will consider those views before feeding these back to the developers. The draft Masterplan will be reviewed, and a Consultation Statement will be published which will summarise the outcomes of the consultation.
Further consultation will be carried out on individual planning applications.
View the draft Masterplan online: Kenton Bank Foot Masterplan and give us your comments by taking part in the survey, or send your comments to
  • Castle
  • Kenton

Start Date

26 February 2016

End Date

25 March 2016


Days Remaining




Thank you for taking part in the consultation on Kenton Bank Foot Draft Masterplan 2016. You can see a summary of our consultation findings here: Newcastle City Council Kenton Bank Foot Draft Masterplan (Neighbourhood Growth Area NN2) Consultation Statement. 

For further updates, you can check our webpage here: Kenton Bank Foot Masterplan.

If you have any questions about this, you can email us your views here:

Thank you for taking the time to give us your views.


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