Information and Advice Strategy 2015-2017 - This consultation has now ended

The strategy sets out how we will work with partners across the city to create an effective Care and Support information and advice system for all residents in Newcastle.
We would like to receive comments from anyone who has an interest in information and advice, as a provider or as a recipient. You can do this by commenting on the topic wall below. 
You can view the strategy here: Information and Advice Strategy 2015-2017.
We will consider your comments when revising the current strategy, and when writing the new version for 2018-2020. We will keep this consultation open until November 2016 as we will be receiving feedback from our work setting up Information and Advice Partnership Groups throughout the year. The results of the consultation will be published in December 2016.
If you have any questions about the strategy or consultation contact Andrew Fletcher at: or tel: 0191 211 6650.


Start Date

06 May 2016

End Date

31 December 2018


Days Remaining



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