Fenham Ward Priorities 2016 - This consultation has now ended

Over the past four years, Fenham Ward Committee, who are the three ward councillors, have held a number of meetings with residents to ask you about your priorities for the area.
This is what you said;
• Activities for children and young people
• A cleaner, greener, safer environment
• Support to local projects which work in and with local communities
• More emphasis on wellbeing and health
Read about what we have done in response to these priorities so far...
So what next?  Talking to residents we think these issues are still important, but we want to know what you think.  With reducing resources we want to make sure we get value for money as we try to deliver what you want.
We would like to get your views.  Please take part in our survey online until 15 September or come along in person to our event on Tuesday 20 September.
If you would like your ward councillors to come out and talk to you or your group/organisation their contact details are:

Marion Talbot, email: marion.talbot@newcastle.gov.uk
telephone: 0191 209 6157
Karen Kilgour, email: karen.kilgour@newcastle.gov.uk 
telephone: 0191 285 8804
Ian Tokell, email: ian.tokell@newcastle.gov.uk ,
telephone: 0191 274 3456
If you have any questions about this information, please contact Amy Stillwell, Communities Officer on 0191 2773612 or email amy.stillwell@newcastle.gov.uk 

  • West Fenham

Start Date

05 July 2016

End Date

15 September 2016


Days Remaining



Dear Friend,

Thank you for taking part in the online ward priority setting for Fenham.

We have used this information, together with information gathered at our event on 20th September, to identify your priorities for Fenham ward:

  • Cleaner, greener, safer environment
  • Activities for children and young people
  • Support for local groups
  • Health and wellbeing

We have put together some feedback about the types of things that can be done to tackle the issues. 

Feedback sheet

We will also post updates on our ward webpage so you can see where progress is being made in each of the priority areas.

Thank you to those who took part in the event, both in person and online.

Best wishes,

Amy Stillwell, Communities Officer


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