The review is now complete and has included a full health needs assessment and a consultation exercise. Over 650 parents, carers, young people and professionals engaged with us as part of the review, which was conducted face to face and through surveys during May and June 2016
The feedback from this consultation has informed our proposals for the future model and commissioning of the 0-19 Integrated Healthy Child Programme in Newcastle.
We are consulting on those proposals until 28th July. This includes a drop in day in the Pandon Room at Newcastle Civic Centre on 22 July 2016, 10.30am to 4.00pm, where members from the project team will be available to answer any questions.
Here is our Proposal and Integrated Impact Assessment. 0-19_Healthy_Child_Programme_Commissioning_IIA140716.pdf
Detailed feedback from the consultation can be found here. 0-19_Review_Consultation_Report_Final.pdf
The Health Needs Assessment can be found here. Newcastle_0-19_Service_Needs_Assessment_FINAL.pdf
If you have any questions, please email Catherine Blenkinsop, Project Manager: catherine.blenkinsop@newcastle.gov.uk