Learning Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder Framework - Market Position Statement 2016 - This consultation has now ended

A young person and a personal assistant visiting a cafe
This Market Position Statement (MPS) is aimed at Social Care providers and the people who use those services in Newcastle. One of the main objectives of the MPS is to achieve a cooperative approach to the commissioning of services. This document is designed to help Social Care providers and the people who use Social Care services in Newcastle understand what services are currently on offer in the City, and also what we think of Social Care services should look like in the future. 
The council wishes to use this document as a part of the tender consultation process to inform providers, carers and people who use services, about the vision for the future of our Social Care market in Newcastle. The Commissioner for Social Care is to re-tender for the current Learning Disability and Autism Services with a new contract which will start on 1 April 2017 for 3 years, with an additional 12-month option to extend until 31 March 2021. 
You can make your comments publicly on the Let’s Talk topic wall here, or directly to: adult.commissioning@newcastle.gov.uk. You can also contact us at this email address if you have any questions. The deadline for comments is 15 August 2016
Following the consultation, the MPS will be posted on the Newcastle City Council website: Market Position Statements. It is a live document and will be reviewed regularly. Any major changes will be subject to consultation through Let’s Talk Newcastle Online. 


Start Date

02 August 2016

End Date

15 August 2016


Days Remaining



The consultation for the Learning Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder Framework Market Position Statement is now closed. The final version can be found on our Market Position Statement pages here, or via the links below:



Download results

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