Drug and Alcohol - Proposal for Commissioning for an Integrated Drug and Alcohol structured treatment and recovery support service for Newcastle. - This consultation has now ended

We want to hear your views on our proposals for commissioning an integrated drug and alcohol structured treatment and recovery support service. 

What we are proposing
We currently commission a range of drug and alcohol services which are designed to provide treatment, support and advice to people in Newcastle whose lives are affected by problematic drug and alcohol use. Contracts for a number of these services are due to expire in late 2019 and we are required to competitively tender for future arrangements.
Since Autumn 2018 we have been engaging and consulting with stakeholders on our future commissioning plans for specialist treatment and recovery services for Newcastle’s residents, including holding engagement sessions, workshops and face-to-face discussions with drug and alcohol service providers, agencies, service users, carers and young people. 
The proposed integrated service will be at the centre of our wider drug and alcohol treatment system, which fundamentally believes that people can and do recover. We want to focus on supporting people to recover by commissioning a service that helps them build positive relationships, and which supports people's recovery within communities long after specialist treatment provision has ended. 
What we would like you to do
Full details of the proposed service can be found here: Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service Proposal. This document is the final stage of our engagement and consultation activity and provides information on what we propose to do prior to procuring these service(s) in late March 2019. 
We would like you to read our proposal and answer a short set of questions about it, and give us any comments you may have. We want to hear from drug and alcohol service providers, statutory and other interested agencies, voluntary sector groups service users, carers, young people, and members of the public. Please give us your views before Monday 18 March 2019.
We will use feedback on this proposal to finalise our proposal and inform the development of the service specification for an integrated drug and alcohol structured treatment and recovery support service for Newcastle, which we intend to publish in late March 2019. We will publish the results of the consultation on our website and share information with our partners. 
If you need this information in a different format, such as large print, or you have questions about the consultation, please contact Duncan Miller on: duncan.miller@newcastle.gov.uk


Start Date

22 February 2019

End Date

18 March 2019


Days Remaining



Thank you for giving us your views about our proposals for recommissioning Drug and Alcohol Services in Newcastle. We have reviewed and considered the feedback received as part of this process, which we will use to inform the development of the service.

The feedback has not changed the overall proposal to consolidate the current contracts into the new contract opportunities presented in the final consultation document here: 

Drug and Alcohol - Commissioning for an integrated drug and alcohol structured treatment and recovery support service for Newcastle IIA   

However, we have provided additional information and clarification in the IIA above, in response to feedback received during consultation, about:

  • Premises

  • ICT

The Council will now begin a competitive procurement exercise for these service. The arrangements for the new service will begin in December 2019. The timeline is:  

  • Procurement process commences – early June 2019
  •  Award of contract – beginning August 2019 
  • Transition period – Mid-August to end November 2019 (including data migration) 
  • Service commences – 1 December 2019

Funding and contracts for existing services in the scope of the proposal will continue until the new contracts begin, at which point existing funding will be committed to fund the new contracts. The above activities and timescales may be subject to change. Thanks for giving us your views. 

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