- Northumbria Police
- Newcastle City Council
- Tyne & Wear Fire Service
- Public Health
- Northumbria CRC Probation Service
- National Probation Service
Start Date
30 November 2019
End Date
31 December 2019
Days Remaining
In November 2019 we ran a public consultation on the proposed priorities for the Safe Newcastle Partnership in 2020-2021. 111 participants took part in the consultation, the results were as follows:
- 95% agreed or strongly agreed that Reducing the harm and impact of Drug and Alcohol Misuse should be a partnership Priority
- 94% agreed or strongly agreed that Tackling Serious and Organised Crime should be a partnership Priority
- 94% agreed or strongly agreed that Reducing the impact of ASB should be a partnership Priority
- 93% agreed or strongly agreed that Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls should be a partnership Priority
- 86% agreed or strongly agreed that Hate Crime should be a partnership Priority
- 84% agreed or strongly agreed that Preventing Radicalisation should be a partnership Priority
The results of this consultation were included in an assessment of community safety issues presented to the Safe Newcastle Board on the 16th January 2020. At that time the board agreed the following priorities for the 2020-2021 financial year.
- Reduce the impact of Anti-Social Behaviour
- Reduce the harm and impact of drug & alcohol misuse
- Reduce Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence
- Tackle Serious & Organised Crime
- Reduce hate crime and community tensions
- Prevent radicalisation
- Reduce the frequency of Adverse Childhood Experiences and ameliorate their consequences through building resilience
Further Information relating the work of the Safe Newcastle partnership can be found here http://www.safenewcastle.org.uk. If you have any further questions please contact safenewcastleadmin@newcastle.gov.uk
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