Off Street Parking Places Order 2020 - This consultation has now ended

We would like to get your views on a change to the Off Street Parking Places Order for Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle upon Tyne City Council (“the Council”) proposes to make an Order under Sections 32, 35 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended. 

The proposed Order, the City of Newcastle upon Tyne (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2020 (“the 2020 Order”) would: 

  • revoke the existing City of Newcastle upon Tyne (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2009 (“the 2009 Order”) in its entirety, except that any permits issued under the 2009 Order would remain valid for use until their stated expiry date, and 
  • would replace the provisions of the 2009 Order with a similar set of provisions relating to the controls and charges of the off street car parks specified in the Schedule. 
  • In doing so, some of the provisions previously contained in the 2009 Order would be reintroduced in the 2020 Order, either in the same form or subject to amendments. 

Details are contained in the Notice, which is attached in the supporting documents below.  The draft 2020 Order, the 2009 Order for comparison purposes and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order are also attached below.  Individual plans of the location of the car parks are available on request.  
If you wish to comment or object to the proposals, please email setting out your comment or the grounds for your objection, or you can complete the short form below. You can also email us at this address if you have questions about this, you would like an individual plan of the location or the car parks, or you need to ask for this information in another format, such as large print.
Please give us your views by 23rd November 2020. 


Start Date

30 October 2020

End Date

23 November 2020


Days Remaining



Thank you to those who provided representations as part of the consultation on the proposed changes to the ‘off street order’.  I can confirm that the Delegated Officer (Director of Operations and Regulatory Services) has given consideration to all of the representations received and the decision is to implement all of the proposals as advertised with the exception of the following minor amendments:


  • The extension of the expiry of the Sunday worship permits from 31 March 2021 to 30 June 2021.
  • To allow blue badge holders to continue to park within the disabled parking bays within Guildhall car park.


This recommendation is included in Section 2 of the delegated decision and was made on the grounds that the proposals would support the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians, whilst also having regard to the relevant criteria set out in Section 122 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.  A link to the delegated decision is attached below:


The reasons for each decision are included within the decision with the highest number of objections being set against themed areas as follows:


  • The removal of Sunday worship permits from 30 June 2021 – section 4.2 of the decision
  • The introduction of car parking charges for blue badge holders – section 4.3 of decision
  • The introduction of an annual permit for shopmobility – section 4.4 of the decision
  • Other representations – section 4.5 of the decision



Thank you for your time and interest in this matter.


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