Day care opportunities for Newcastle 2014 - This consultation has now ended

Newcastle City Council has produced a Market Position Statement for Day Care Opportunities in Newcastle. These can range from services such as luncheon clubs and day care centres to arts organisations and organisations that support people to form their own interest groups. The focus of these services will be enabling people to maintain their independence, become more valued within their community and remain socially included. We want to use this document to show organisations and the people who use services in Newcastle what is currently on offer in the City, and also what the Council thinks services might look like in the future. We want views from people who might provide day opportunities and those who might use day opportunities and their carers to tell us about the types of services they would want to see being provided in Newcastle.

Start Date

18 February 2014

End Date

30 May 2014


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation. You can find out more about social care in Newcastle here: Social Care in Newcastle. If you have queries about the consultation findings, please contact us at:


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