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  • Callerton & Throckley - B6918 Ponteland Road and Callerton Lane - Proposed Red Route 2024

B6918 Ponteland Road and Callerton Lane - Proposed Red Route 2024 - This consultation has now ended


Callerton & Throckley

Please give us your views on our traffic scheme relating to B6918 Ponteland Road and Callerton Lane in 2024 by taking part in this short consultation.

It is proposed to -
(a) introduce a red route restriction which means no stopping at any time for any purpose on a number of roads,
(b) revoke the existing no waiting at any time restrictions on a number of roads, and
(c) revoke the existing Twenty-Four Hour Clearway on Ponteland Road (B6918).
Details are contained in the Notice which is attached in the supporting documents below.  A plan, reasons for the proposals and draft Order are also attached below.
If you wish to comment on the proposals, please complete the survey.  If you wish to object to the proposals, please also email setting out the grounds for your objection and indicating which of the proposals your objection relates to.
  • End date: 26th May 2024
  • Consultation locality: Callerton and Throckley Ward
  • Consultation purpose: Statutory Notice
Please read the supporting documents, which can be found below in the 'Related Documents' section.  Here are the Consultation Officer's contact details, if you require information about this in a different format (such as large print), please get in touch with Sarah Thompson at:  We are asking for your contact details so that we can let you know about the outcomes of this consultation. We will store your details securely, we will not share them with anyone else, and we will not use them for any other purpose.  If you would like us to remove your contact details from our records, please contact the consultation officer (details above), or email:   We will use your responses to inform our decision about these proposals. You can find out what will happen next here on, or email:

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