Equality priorities 2024-2028 - This consultation has now ended

We would like to hear your thoughts on Newcastle City Council's proposed Equality priorities for 2024-2028. By having your say, you can help us identify areas where we can improve, develop more effective equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policies and practices and ensure that our services are inclusive and accessible to everyone.
Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of our values and part of everything we do:
  • Equality is treating everyone fairly and tackling discrimination
  • Diversity is valuing everyone's differences
  • Inclusion is making sure everyone feels included
The law requires us to produce our equality priorities every four years.
Why we have these priorities
The priorities help us to:
  • Identify which areas of equality to focus on
  • Improve our polices, services, and the way we work
  • Reduce inequalities 
  • Ensure that our services are inclusive and accessible to everyone
What are our priorities?
Our priorities are: 
  1. Service Delivery: Providing fair and inclusive services that promote wellbeing. 
  2. Leadership: Leading the way in EDI and being a beacon of good practice 
  3. Communities: Tackle prejudice and promote good relations amongst our communities
  4. Diverse Workforce: A diverse and inclusive workforce which reflects our communities 

Full information about our priorities and what they mean in practice is in this short summary document (two pages) - please open it and read through before answering the questions: Equality Objectives Information 2024

You can also find out more by watching the BSL-interpreted video of Cllr Irim Ali, Cabinet Member for Communities, below.

Please give us your views by taking part in our survey below. 

If you have any questions about this, or you need this information in a different format such as large print, please contact: EDI@newcastle.gov.uk or call: 0191 278 78 78. Thank you for giving us your views.

Start Date

29 November 2024

End Date

11 January 2025


Days Remaining


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