North Jesmond Annual Ward Priorities 2016 - This consultation has now ended

The annual Ward Priority Setting meeting, which will be led by local Ward Councillors on the 23rd November at Jesmond Library, will give local residents, groups and agencies an opportunity to identify priorities and discuss ways in which they might be delivered. Agreed ward priorities will be a great help in deciding how the Ward Committee budget will be spent and how local groups and businesses can add value to what local people find important. We have drawn up a draft list of priorities based on what local people have told us in the past and on information we already have about North Jesmond and we would like as many residents as possible to complete the survey to let us know what they think.
This survey is relevant to residents living in North Jesmond.  If you would like to check which ward you live in, please click the link to where I live/my neighbourhood.

  • North Jesmond

Start Date

19 October 2016

End Date

14 November 2016


Days Remaining


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