Special Educational Needs Transport Consultation 2024, 3 September 2024, 5pm-6pm at Carnegie Building, Benwell

Newcastle City Council is proposing to make some changes to the way that we support children, young people and their families to get from home to school and back again each day.  These proposed changes only affect those children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND).
How you can take part 
We want to hear what you think about our proposals. There are two documents which describe some of the options we are thinking about, which you can find at the end of this page. They can also be found on our Local Offer Website here: Consultation: Post 16 SEND Transport and Personal Travel Budgets. These documents will also tell you about the ways that you can tell us what you think:
  •  You can write to us.
  • You can complete a quick and simple form online here: SEND Consultation 2024 Form
  •  You can come to one of these drop-in sessions and tell us in person.
We will use any personal information we collect from you, such as your name, only to help us with this consultation. We will store it securely and not use it for any other purpose, and we will not share this information with anyone else 
Drop-in sessions
We are running drop-in sessions on the following dates:
The venues for these drop-in sessions will be posted on the Local Offer website in the next few weeks.
What happens next
We want to hear from you before the deadline which is Friday 20 September 2024. If you can’t find the two consultation documents, or you need this information in another format, such as large print, please email us at SENDTPConsultation@newcastle.gov.uk or call: 0191 278 7878. We look forward to reading and listening to your views and will use them to inform our decisions about SEND transport in Newcastle. You can see what we found out and what happens next here on Let's talk Newcastle Online or on our website, and we will post information about this later in 2024. 

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