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  • Castle - Kenton Bank Foot Draft Masterplan Consultation 2016

Kenton Bank Foot Draft Masterplan Consultation 2016 - This consultation has now ended


The council has been working with developers at Kenton Bank Foot to prepare a draft Masterplan for the area, for the development of approximately 800 new homes. We would like to hear your thoughts on the draft document.


Thank you for taking part in the consultation on Kenton Bank Foot Draft Masterplan 2016. You can see a summary of our consultation findings here: Newcastle City Council Kenton Bank Foot Draft Masterplan (Neighbourhood Growth Area NN2) Consultation Statement. 

For further updates, you can check our webpage here: Kenton Bank Foot Masterplan.

If you have any questions about this, you can email us your views here:

Thank you for taking the time to give us your views.

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