Private Landlord Survey on refuse and flytipping 2016
- This consultation has now ended
This consultation ended on 31 August 2016.Fly-tipping in Newcastle. Newcastle City Council is working to increase the amount of recycling within the city and tackle waste and fly-tipping. To be able to tackle this we must first understand who disposes of waste, what problems they face, and why fly-tipping occurs. Therefore, we are interested in how landlords and tenants currently dispose of waste.
If you are a landlord in the private rented sector, we would like you to take ten minutes to help us by filling in this survey to tell us about the issues you face when dealing with waste issues relating to your properties.
This survey will be open until 31 July 2016. We will use the information gathered to determine how, as a Council, we can work with tenants and landlords to reduce the amount of waste fly-tipped, work with partners to provide services to remedy waste problems in the city, and offer advice and support for landlords and tenants to find the best way to dispose of unwanted furniture and waste. Findings will be published on the Newcastle City Council website: Newcastle City Council.
You will note that we have not asked for any personal details. We will not use information from this survey for future enforcement action. It is being collected solely to help us understand why fly-tipping occurs. You cannot be identified from your responses, and all replies will be kept confidential.
The survey refers to different areas of the city; there is a map of these areas here: Newcastle Map.
Benwell & Scotswood
14 Total Wards
Start Date
01 April 2016
End Date
15 May 2024
Days Remaining
This survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part.
These results are now being reviewed and will hopefully help Newcastle City Council to work closer with Private Rented Landlords to increase the amount of recycling and tackle waste and fly-tipping in the city.