Charitable Land: Banqueting Hall and Jesmond Dene Consultation 2018 - This consultation has now ended

This consultation closed on 21 December. Responses to questions and issues raised during the consultation can be viewed at: 

The Council is charity trustee of Jesmond Dene Park and Banqueting Hall and is consulting on some proposed changes relating to these assets. We want to hear your views.  

Both Jesmond Dene and the Banqueting Hall are held on charitable trusts. This means that these assets do not belong to the Council. Instead the Council holds these assets as a charity trustee for particular charitable purposes. These charitable purposes were decided by Lord Armstrong, as the original donor of these assets, over a hundred years ago.
Charitable Purposes
Lord Armstrong said that Jesmond Dene Park must be used as a park and recreation ground. He also said that the Banqueting Hall must be used for lectures, recitals, concerts, banquets and meetings (particularly connected with the arts, literature, science or education) and pursuits or gatherings appropriate to a public park. The Council as the charity trustee of these assets wants to ensure that Lord Armstrong's wishes are observed in a way that continues to be relevant to how the public wishes to enjoy the park today. However, as you may be aware, over some years the Banqueting Hall has fallen into disrepair. For that reason a number of outdoor performances and education events are held in Jesmond Dene park each year in order to ensure that the charitable purposes relating to the Banqueting Hall can still be fulfilled. 
Application to Charity Commission 
The Council as charity trustee now intends to seek permission from the Charity Commission to formally release the specific charitable functions that currently only apply to the Banqueting Hall and formally extend them to all of Jesmond Dene Park. This will not change the activities in Jesmond Dene Park or the way it is used. 
Your Views
Your views on this proposal are welcomed. If you wish to comment on the proposal please contact by 9am on Thursday 29 November 2018. You can also contact us at this email address if you have questions about the proposal, you need support to attend the event, or you need the information in a different format (such as large print). You can also give your views by attending the public meeting in the Council Chamber at Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8HE on Thursday 6 December 2018 at 6pm to discuss the above. A summary of views expressed will be passed to the Charity Commission for their consideration.
  • North Jesmond
  • South Jesmond

Start Date

16 November 2018

End Date

06 December 2018


Days Remaining



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