Proposed changes to the Newcastle Fund annual budget in 2020-21 - This consultation has now ended

We want to hear what you have to say about our proposals for The Newcastle Fund annual budget from 2020-21.

This document outlines our proposal to reduce the annual budget of The Newcastle Fund by £200,000 from £1.4m to £1.2m in 2020-21 as a contribution to these budget cuts:
Then give us your views by taking part in our survey by 10 June 2019.

Due to the disproportionate cuts from Government which are more than twice the national average, Newcastle City Council must save a further £60 million in the period between 2019-20 to 2021-2022. The Newcastle Fund has been identified as a potential contributor towards these savings.

More information

You can read about how Newcastle is responding to the continuing financial challenge from Government-imposed cuts here.
Your feedback on this proposal is important to us and will shape the final consideration of our decision. If you have any questions or need this information in an alternative format, such as large print please contact


Start Date

13 May 2019

End Date

10 June 2019


Days Remaining



Thank you for those who have contributed to the consultation process on the ‘Proposed Changes to the Newcastle Fund Annual Budget in 2020-21’ conducted in May/June 2019. Our plans to mitigate potential impact of reduced funding on the lives of vulnerable people in Newcastle include:


·       - The Round 10 evaluation process will assess bids against criteria including need, proposed outcomes, Council priorities and strategic fit. This will identify and measure how effectively projects can support vulnerable people in Newcastle. In June 2019, we published the Newcastle Fund Prospectus for Round 10 (a copy of the Prospectus can be found here) to coincide with the launch of Round 10 at the City’s Funders’ Fair which took place on 6 June 2019. The Prospectus explained the aims of the Fund, the outcomes it is seeking to achieve, how we measure impact, as well as important information on how to apply and what VCS organisations should consider when planning their applications.


·       - We will continue to produce an Annual Report showing the achievements of the Fund, with information on the variety and scope of funded projects, the outcomes and reach of the projects delivered, and the impact they have across the city and our communities. We will use this learning to help shape and inform future years’ Newcastle Fund arrangements.


·       - We will continue to explore ways to maximise available funds and extend their reach through collaboration and joint-funding with other City stakeholders and regional/national funders.


·       - We will also seek to strengthen productive relationships between private and third sector organisations in the City through the way we buy goods, works and services. By commissioning and procuring for Social Value, we can direct support and resource where it is needed in our communities, building community assets, including the VCS organisations that promote community cohesion.


·       - Funds currently ring-fenced for domestic violence and abuse, open access advice services and cultural events are committed to contractual or grant giving arrangements already in place in these areas. We will review each of these arrangements when their contract or grant term expires.

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