- To rename the Bands from A, B, C, D to 1, 2, 3, 4 to avoid confusion.
- To amend the date of a change in circumstances from when it occurs.
- To increase the values of the income bands by 3%, and then by the RPI percentage each year.
- To increase non-dependant deductions to £3.00 in 2020/21 and then by £0.25 each year.
- To simplify the assessment of self-employed income by using the National Minimum Wage
You can read more information about this here: Council Tax Reduction summary 2020.
More information about this can be found online here: Newcastle Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020-2021
Please give us your views on these proposals by completing the survey below before 15 December 2019. You can also email us at: revsandbens@newcastle.gov.uk
If you require any of this information in an alternative format please contact us by email to revsandbens@newcastle.gov.uk or phone 0191 277 7644.
Thank you for giving us your views.