Newcastle Climate Change Call for Evidence 2020 - This consultation has now ended

Newcastle City Council has declared a climate emergency, and pledged to make Newcastle upon Tyne carbon neutral by 2030. However, tackling climate change demands a whole-city approach and isn’t something the council can solve on our own. Find out more here:

Individuals, business and anyone who lives, works, studies or visits Newcastle has a part to play – and we want to hear the actions you are taking as well as your ideas as to how the city can address the climate emergency.
 We have published plans for achieving a 50% reduction in carbon emissions from Newcastle upon Tyne by 2030, and we now intend to achieve carbon neutrality. You can view the plans here: 

 As part of this, we want to hear from everyone about:

  • Your ideas for everyday, simple things everyone can do now to make a positive difference on climate change,
  • Your ideas for any larger-scale projects, new ways of delivering services, new initiatives, and investment that could be done in the medium- to long- term,
  • Evidence of proven, best-practice approaches,
  • Any scientific, academic or technical submissions that can inform the Committee’s learning and conclusions.

This is the first stage of our information-gathering from local residents, organisations, academics, businesses and other interested parties about climate change and Newcastle upon Tyne. Findings from it will be published here and on our website, where you can also find more background information about our plans: Newcastle City Climate Change
Please give us your views here before 31 January 2020:
If you have questions about this, or you need this information in a different format (such as large print), please contact us at: Thank you for giving us your views. 

Start Date

17 December 2019

End Date

31 January 2020


Days Remaining



Thank you for taking part in the the 2020 Newcastle City Council Climate Change Call for Evidence. We’re sending this message to thank everyone who took part, and to update you on what’s happening next. The responses we received to the Call for Evidence were used to inform the Net Zero Newcastle: 2030 Action Plan, which sets out our view of how the city can achieve its ambition to be carbon neutral within the next decade – you can read it here: 
During 2021, we will be holding Climate Change Summits in Newcastle as we get closer to the 26th United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021. There will be four summits for students, young people, community and voluntary sector and businesses. If you’d like to find out more about this, please email us at: 
Once more, thank you for taking part.
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