Help shape the city's cultural future 2019 - This consultation has now ended

A citywide conversation has been launched today to help shape the vision for culture in Newcastle covering the next decade. Here's some more information about it:

Having consulted with key stakeholders including artists, owners of venues and cultural businesses, the views of citizens are now being sought before the vision is finalised and unveiled in Spring next year.
We're asking citizens to tell us what culture means to them and what they would like to see more of across the city.
The feedback will be used, alongside the views already gathered from other stakeholders, to shape the vision and delivery of culture up until 2030.
If you need this information in a different format, such as large print, please contact us at: Please give us your views by 31 January 2019. The findings will be published here, and on our website: Thank you for giving us your views. 

Start Date

16 December 2019

End Date

31 January 2020


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone, individuals and groups, who took part in this consultation, which we received nearly 600 responses to. You can find out more about what's happening with culture in Newcastle on our website here: Newcastle City Council website. If you have any questions about this, please contact us at: 


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