Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board Strategic Annual Plan 2021-22 - This consultation has now ended

This is a chance for you to have your say about keeping adults at risk of abuse safe in Newcastle. The NSAB are currently developing their Strategic Annual Plan for 2021-22. Find out more here:
The plan sets out which areas of work are going to be a priority for the multi-agency partnership in the coming year. The Board would like to hear your views on the sorts of things you think they should be concentrating on. Please complete our short online survey, or comment on the topic wall, to tell us what you think. 
Your feedback is important to us and will shape the 2021-22 plan, which we will share with you here and on the Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board website: If you have any questions, or you need this information in an alternative format such as large print, please contact Claire Nixon at:

Start Date

01 April 2021

End Date

30 April 2021


Days Remaining



Thank you for taking part in our consultation. You can find out more about safeguarding adults in Newcastle here: Safeguarding adults in Newcastle. If you have questions about this, please contact us at:


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