We want to hear what you have to say about our proposals for the provision of targeted sexual health prevention and support services across Newcastle.
Targeted sexual health prevention and support services in Newcastle are an important community-based offer for vulnerable groups who may not seek mainstream sexual health provision. They are well placed to reach and offer targeted support to these communities via a range of means including outreach, peer-led approaches, and online engagement via non-conventional methods. These services are also referred to as non-clinical sexual health services.
They cover a wide range of sexual health interventions including sexual health promotion, HIV prevention/promotion PrEP, information, advice, education and training, community development, access to STI/HIV testing, condoms, pregnancy testing, outreach, one to one/group work and sign posting to clinical health service provision. These services are delivered in a range of local settings across the city including community centres, sports clubs, churches and schools. Outreach into cruising areas, parks, saunas and the night-time economy is a unique element to these services along with a range of online engagement methods which enables a greater reach to specific vulnerable communities.
We have identified the following targeted vulnerable groups who are at most risk of sexual health inequality that these proposals are focussed at:
- Hard to reach young people
- People with learning disabilities
- People at risk of sexual exploitation and/or sex workers
- People living with HIV
These services will form part of a whole system approach to sexual health across Newcastle working in partnership with clinical service provision.
This document outlines the proposed contract opportunities that will be offered to the market and is the final stage of our consultation with stakeholders prior to commencing the competitive procurement process to put new contracts in place. It has been produced in the context of a number of stakeholder engagement and consultation sessions held over the summer.
Your feedback on this proposal is important to us and will shape the final proposals that will be offered to the market.
You can comment on the proposals by completing the survey. The consultation closes on Monday 25 October 2021. EXTENDED TO 1st NOVEMBER
If you have any questions or need this information in an alternative format, such as large print, please contact Stacey Urwin at: stacey.urwin@newcastle.gov.uk
For more information on the sexual health service in Newcastle please visit: Sexual Health | Newcastle City Council