Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Strategy 2023-2028 - This consultation has now ended

We have worked together with children and young people with SEND, parents and carers and all of our partners to produce our new Strategy. Our new SEND Strategy sets out our shared ambition that we have in Newcastle which is: 
‘to create an inclusive city that ensures that children and young people with SEND get the right support at the right time and go on to live their best lives’.  
This strategy has been co-produced, which means that we have worked with parents/ carers, children and young people so we focus on the things that matter to them. It is important to us all that we ‘get it right together’ and we are all committed to working together to ensure our children and young people receive support at the right time.  The strategy was developed following a series of consultation events including focus groups and workshops held in Spring 2023.
The strategy sets out our plans, for the next 5 years, to improve services and the experiences of children and young people and their families as they journey through the SEND system. It is underpinned by strong governance arrangements including workstreams which will develop the detailed plans to implement our strategy. 
When we are successful our children and young people will tell us that they feel safe, happy and included, ready for their next steps, healthy and well cared for, and heard in decisions.  
We really hope that you find it clear and easy to understand. If you are a parent or a carer for a child/young person with SEND and you are interested in working with us to improve lived experiences please get in touch. There are several ways to do this, either: 
Or via our SEND Local Offer webpage: Newcastle Support Directory 
This was following a consultation which started March in 2023 and closed 30 June: Take a look at the consultation report on the SEND Local Offer - attached below.

Start Date

28 September 2023

End Date

04 October 2023


Days Remaining



This was following a consultation which started March in 2023 and closed 30 June: Take a look at the consultation report on the SEND Local Offer.

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