Healthier Food Environments SPD Consultation 2024 - This consultation has now ended

Please give us your views on our plans for improving the food environment in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Newcastle City Council has adopted a 'whole-system approach' to healthy weight, nutrition, and physical activity in Newcastle. A 'whole-system approach' is one which looks at how different aspects of people's lives and their local environment influences their health, including being able to maintain a healthy weight. To support people to do this, we need to look at how the 'food environment' - what food is available to people in their local environments - affects them. 
To ensure that the council's Planning function can support this approach, this 'Draft SPD' includes new policy areas we want to work on, including: 
  • supporting individuals, families and communities to access, adopt and sustain healthier diets.  
  • improving the food environment, including by limiting further growth of hot-food takeaways, which provide food which is typically high in fat, salt and sugar. 
An 'SPD' is a Supplementary Planning Document. These are documents that contain guidance that expand on the policies within our main development plan for Newcastle. It shows how the council expects our planning policies to be addressed in planning applications, and how the policies will be implemented by the council when making decisions on planning applications.
What we would like you to do
Please read the 'Healthier Food Environments SPD' document and give us your views on it by completing the short form below: Healthier Food Environments SPD. The form: 

Give us your views here

If you have questions about this, or need this information in a different format such as large print, you can contact us at:, write to us at: Newcastle City Council, -Planning Policy, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH or call: 

Start Date

18 December 2023

End Date

05 February 2024


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone who took part in this. The council carried out two rounds of public consultation on the Healthier Food Environments SPD. The first round, between 6 October 2022 and 17 November 2022 and the second round between 18 December 2023 and 5 February 2024. All responses received during the consultation process have been considered to help shape the preparation of this SPD - please see attachments. If you have queries or need this information in a different format, such as large print, please contact us at:
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