Design Guide for Householder Extensions and Alterations in Newcastle upon Tyne 2024 - This consultation has now ended

Please give us your views on our proposed Design Guide for Householder Extensions and Alterations in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Newcastle City Council determines over 700 planning applications for extensions or alterations to people's homes. It is often the most common way people become directly involved in the planning system, either by making an application, or as a neighbour consulted on an application. It is therefore important that there is clear guidance publicly available about how the assessment of a planning application for an extension or alteration to a home is undertaken, and how people can become engaged in the process.
The revised 'Consultation Draft Design Guide' will help people plan the design of a proposed extension to their homes. The Guide identifies what is a good design, and how to avoid forms of development that could impact upon the pleasantness or attractiveness ('amenity') of neighbouring properties. The Draft Guide also provides information and resources to help navigate the planning process.
In accordance with planning regulations, we are now publicising these draft documents for comment. You can view them here:
View Draft Design Guide for Householder Extensions and Alterations in Newcastle upon Tyne (pdf)
The documents are also available to view at Newcastle Civic Centre, but please contact us before you visit so we can make arrangements. Any person or organisation can comment on this draft document. To submit your comments, please click here.
Alternatively you can email or post comments to the following addresses:
•    Email:
•    Post: City Council, Planning Policy, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH
If you have any questions or you need this information in a different format, such as large print, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Planning Policy Team via the methods above. Thank you for giving us your views.

Start Date

18 December 2023

End Date

05 February 2024


Days Remaining



Thank you to all those who took part in this. To find out about what's happening next, visit our website here: Householder Design Guide. If you have questions about this, please contact us at:

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