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  • Monument - Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street Yellow Box Enforcement 2024

Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street Yellow Box Enforcement 2024 - This consultation has now ended



Consultation on the enforcement of the yellow box at this junction via static camera

Thank you to everyone that provided comments and opinions on the proposal to enforce the yellow box at Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street.

From the responses received (across all communication channels, including Let’s Talk) 70.6% were positive / in favour of enforcing the yellow box in this location.

A key theme in the responses received was ensuring that the visibility of the yellow box junctions is clear to drivers, and there were also suggestions for other junctions to be enforced by static camera that were felt to be problematic. 

As a result, we will look into the points raised within the comments and we will progress towards introducing enforcement by static camera at Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street. We will also investigate further the additional junctions proposed. 

Let's Talk Community