Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street Yellow Box Enforcement 2024 - This consultation has now ended

Please give us your views on this proposal.
Newcastle City Council has been awarded powers of enforcement for moving traffic contraventions by the Department for Transport, under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. This means that powers of enforcement that were previously owned by the Police for enforcing restrictions such as yellow box junctions and banned turns have transferred to Newcastle City Council as the Local Authority.
What we propose to do
The yellow box at the junction of Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street has been identified as a key location for enforcement. Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street junction is an important city centre junction, particularly for public transport. This junction is a key route for bus movements across the river and is a frequent delay point as a result of vehicles blocking of the yellow box. 
This junction will only become more important for southbound bus movements with the commencement of the Tyne Bridge restoration works in April 2024, whereby traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. 
Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street junction has recently been upgraded with the intention of making the junction as efficient and safe as possible. The upgraded included new signals equipment installed, improved pedestrian crossings and changes to simplify the yellow box layout. However there are still concerns about the misuse of the yellow box, and concerns associated with the delays here as well as a history of accidents. Therefore it is proposed that this yellow box is enforced via camera. 
The powers for the Local Authority to enforce the yellow box in this location will:
  • Minimise delays and congestion through ensuring the correct use of restriction
  • Improve the performance of the highway will contribute to better general safety for all parties.
Please provide any comments, suggestions or evidence you may feel relevant to this consultation or if you require information about this in a different format (such as large print), please get in touch with the Transport team at:
We will use your responses to inform our decision about these proposals. You can find out what will happen next here on Let's talk Newcastle Online, or email us at the email address above.
  • Monument

Start Date

18 March 2024

End Date

29 April 2024


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone that provided comments and opinions on the proposal to enforce the yellow box at Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street.

From the responses received (across all communication channels, including Let’s Talk) 70.6% were positive / in favour of enforcing the yellow box in this location.

A key theme in the responses received was ensuring that the visibility of the yellow box junctions is clear to drivers, and there were also suggestions for other junctions to be enforced by static camera that were felt to be problematic. 

As a result, we will look into the points raised within the comments and we will progress towards introducing enforcement by static camera at Collingwood Street / St Nicholas Street. We will also investigate further the additional junctions proposed. 


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