We are inviting you to have your say about the pre application (planning) process provided by Newcastle City Council. Pre-application advice is provided by the council, which outlines how we are likely to determine any subsequent planning application, and any changes that are likely to be needed, if any, to give your scheme the best chance of being granted a planning permission.
The aim of this survey is to find out about what people think about this service, what they like and any suggestions they have. Your views will help Newcastle's City Council's Planning Team understand how you view the current services and how these services could be developed further to support your planning needs.
To find out more about this and take part online, click here: Views on the Planning Pre-Application Process
The end date for the survey is 16 June 2021. If you have any questions regarding this survey or you need this information in a different format, please email: duncan.miller@newcastle.gov.uk. Thank you very much for giving us your views.