Gracefield Close / Glenwood Walk Environmental Improvements 2013 - This consultation has now ended

Local residents have approached us with concerns about the number of trees in this small area, their size, and their proximity to the properties on Gracefield Close and Glenwood Walk.
We have carried out a site inspection to look at the problems, and have identified 4 trees that could be removed to improve the situation as part of our management plan for the area. We have also identified a small amount of funding that can be used for this project and so propose to carry out the following work:
  • Removal of 4 trees and the removal of a large branch from a 5th tree
You can see the plan here (pdf, 557kb) showing the trees we propose to remove. This work will help resolve residents concern but we would like to hear what you think before we carry out any work.
We will plant 1 new tree to replace everyone that we remove in an appropriate site somewhere else in the ward to prevent future problems at this location in accordance with the City Council’s tree strategy. Our funding must be used before the end of this financial year.
If local residents support this scheme we intend to carry out this work before the end of March 2013.
Should you have any concerns or queries about this project then please complete the survey in this consultation within the next 21 days. Should nothing be heard within this time it will be assumed you have no objections and we will carry out the work.
If you have any questions or would like to know more then you can contact us by email at
  • Denton & Westerhope

Start Date

22 February 2013

End Date

15 March 2013


Days Remaining



Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation. You can find out more about the results by emailing us at: Find out more about our approach to transport here: Roads, pavements and streets in Newcastle.


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