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Outer West Leisure Centre Consultation 2022 - First Stage - This consultation has now ended


Denton & Westerhope

West Denton is to get a new multi-million-pound leisure centre, and we would like to hear your views on it.

Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation on our proposals for the new Outer West leisure facility. We had two stages to this consultation:
  • Stage 1 - 12 January – 24 February 2022
  • Stage 2 – 14 March – 25 March 2022
We invited people to take part as follows:
  • 10,000 leaflets were sent to homes in the Outer West
  • We put information on our website
  • We put information on our social media channels: Facebook and Twitter
  • We emailed invitations to registered members of Let’s talk Newcastle Online
  • We emailed stakeholder groups (such as sports clubs) to invite them to take part
  • Local venues, such as the library, displayed information about this. 
  • In Stage 1 we received responses by letter and paper forms as well as our online survey.
  • Stage 2 of the consultation had a mixture of in-person and digital meetings. 
We had 585 responses to the first stage of the consultation, and 99 responses to the second stage.
People told us that they wanted to see the following in the new facility:
  • 8-lane pool rather than a 6-lane
  • Baby, toddler and children’s shallow pool
  • Sauna and steam room 
  • Café and library space
  • Extended opening hours so that people working and studying can use it
Their concerns were:
  • The facility needs good parking and transport links, including public and active transport
  • Review the use of glass panelling in the facility
  • What about provision of leisure facilities whilst the new facility is being built?

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